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top wheat suppliers and exporters

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Wheat is the world's most important grain crop. It is important not only for its nutritional value, but also for its gluten content. Gluten is the protein of the wheat which, when properly developed by kneading, will trap and hold the yeast gas in the bread dough causing the bread to rise. Wheat is the only grain with the proper amount of gluten to facilitate the rising of bread dough to make light, soft loaves and chapattis.
We are creditable exporters, traders and suppliers of indigenous quality of Wheat Grains in the vast market regions of India and overseas. The offered agro-based products are of superior quality with high nutrition values for healthy consumption. These grains are procured from trusted farmers to ensure their high quality, unadulterated nature, taste and nutrition value.
Myths VS Facts
Myth: All wheat is the same.
Fact: Wheat can be grown in diverse production environments for many uses because of its natural genetic diversity. Wheat can be taller or shorter depending on its growing conditions. From an agronomic perspective, taller wheat varieties have been bred in areas with minimal rainfall or low soil fertility and where harvested straw is important. In contrast, shorter wheat varieties have been bred for higher-fertility, higher-moisture or irrigated conditions.
Myth: Wheat causes obesity and thus should be avoided for a healthier life
Fact: The composition of modern wheat is not the main cause of the overweight-obesity problem in humans. An amalgamation of factors (genetics, diet, life style, and environment) is all, in combination, which triggers weight gain.
Myth: Modern wheat has not been tested for health effects.
Fact: Wheat is one of the main reasons humans evolved from living as nomads to form communities and eventually cities. Wheat foods have been a healthy part of the human diet for thousands of years. Currently, wheat provides 21 percent of all food calories in the world. For 4.5 billion people in 94 developing countries wheat provides 20 percent of their protein intake.
Myth: Wheat is bad for you.
Fact: Wheat has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. Wheat grain is an important source of starch and protein, both of which provide energy for the human body. Wheat also provides dietary fiber, resistant starch and antioxidants and other phytochemicals. All of these factors contribute positively to health by preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and colon cancer.
History and Folklores
The French hang a sheaf of wheat on the kitchen ceiling until the next harvest. Sometimes they braid the sheaf into a cross, and offer it at the church on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into heaven
In Central Europe, the first wheat sheaf of the harvest was used in a wedding bouquet, and the last sheaf was attached to the barn door to protect the wheat spirit
Around the Mediterranean, wheat shaped into horns of plenty or triangles – representing fertility and to protect against adversity – was hung in houses after the harvest. The grains from the sheaves were mixed in with the seed sowed the next spring
In Uzbekistan if a family member travels or joins the army he takes a bite out of fresh wheat bread. Then the family hangs it on a hook and leaves it untouched until his safe return, when he celebrates by sharing the bread with friends
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